Our Open Days are held annually in March.
Our next one will be in 2026.
This day gives you the opportunity to learn about our College and discover how your daughter will embrace life at Sion. This event showcases a full school day on a delayed timetable and highlights our different academic programs, the many and varied talents of our students and the full range of opportunities that we offer during a Sionian journey.
Take a Tour of the College with our student leaders, hear from our Principal and speak to students, parents and Learning Leaders about what we can offer your daughter at Our Lady of Sion. You will truly experience our College in its entirety and it is when we really put the school on show.
Our Open Day complements our Talk and Tour mornings.
We also offer Talk and Tours throughout the year and an Information Evening in May.
If you would like to find out more about our enrolment process or have any questions, contact our College Registrar at
9890 9097 or registrar@sion.catholic.edu.au.